>Home >Ministries >STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY Published: February 5, 2022      Updated: February 5, 2022






Mission Statement: We are a diverse ministry efficiently developing church members to effectively become devoured followers of Christ, and to promote mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being in order to sustain a healthy relationship for the Kingdom of God.                                                                                       

 Often thought of as involving only the raising of money, the true ministry of stewardship is helping believers become disciples of Christ in the use of all the resources God has provided.

This includes the management of one’s body, material possessions, abilities and time.

Jesus spent much time discussing the material aspects of life. He knew His hearers couldn’t understand the great principles of His kingdom unless they had an understanding of their “steward” relationship with God.

He told the gathering in His Sermon on the Mount that, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21). God asks the church to be a fellowship of individuals sharing a common purpose and caring for one another as they grow in faith.