>Home >Ministries >GRIEF MINISTRY Published: December 29, 2021      Updated: September 21, 2023






Mission Statement:   To provide an emotionally safe environment where the bereaved may express their grief freely without judgement. To provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the death of a loved one or loss of something very important to them.  


Loss is hard. Although everyone handles grief differently, nobody handles it easily.

One of the ways that Christ comforts His children is through His body –the church.  That’s what Jesus did. When His friend Lazarus died, He wept with Mary and Martha over their loss (John 11:35).

So when Jesus gives us, His ambassadors on earth, an opportunity to represent Him through comforting those experiencing loss; we must not take it

Abney is developing its Grief Ministry. Come grow with us!