>Home >Trending Now >Bulletin Published: December 7, 2018      Updated: February 26, 2025









March 1, 2025 ~ 9:30 am




Read for This Week's Study: Matt. 13:24-27; Gen. 1:31; Ezek. 28:12-19; Isa. 14:12-15; Matt. 4:1-11; John 8:44-45

Memory Text: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel" (Genesis 3:15, NKJV).


Opening Prayer & Welcome

Lesson Study

Closing Remarks & Prayer    


Junior Sabbath School Division 9:35-10:35 am  













Sabbath ~March 1, 2025


Introit: Musicians

Elder Arrington

Call to Worship

Prayer of Invocation* 


Doxology:  Praise God from Whom All Blessings (Scroll for Lyrics)

Fourth Commandment& Affirmation of Faith 

Exodus 20:8-11

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Hymn of Praise: TBA

WelcomeElder C Monroe

Children's Story: Sis B Crutchfield

Tithes and Offerings*: Pastor R Johnson, Jr

Praise and Worship: Praise Team

Intercessory Prayer: Elder C Monroe

Song of Meditation: Praise Team

Sermon: Pastor R Johnson, Jr

Closing Prayer and Benediction: Elder C Monroe





Praise God, From Whom All Blessings

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 


Praise Him

  Praise Him (4x)

Jesus, blessed Savior, He’s worthy to be praised 

 From the rising of the sun

Until the going down of the same;

He’s worthy, Jesus is worthy

He’s worthy to be praised



February Budget 

   Monthly Budget: $15,821.00 

Offering: $7,325.42

Zelle Online Giving: $128.45

Deficit: $7,997.58

January's Budget was not met with a deficit of -$4,060.94


Church Renovation Project

Goal: $7,222 monthly

Pledges Received: $3,665.30

Pledges Needed: $231.00

Collected in February:

Collection this month: $1945.00

Collection Needed this Month: $5,277.00

    The monthly renovation pledges collection will occur on the first Sabbath of each month. You may give anytime. 

Collections are closed out on the second week of the next month.

Transition from Cash App to Zelle We are now switching from Cash App to Zelle for electronic giving. Zelle offers a secure, easy way to send your tithes, offerings, and donations. To give, send your contributions to treasurer@abneychapel.org. If you need help setting up Zelle, contact the finance team. Thank you for your continued support!





Camp Meeting: 2025 Camp Meeting housing application can be found on our Trending at Abney page. The submission deadline is April 24 and a $100 deposit (check, money order, or credit card) is required with each application.  Send all applications to the attention of Tanya Moody (tmoody@sacsda.org)

Anniversaries and Birthdays
If you would like to have the birthday or anniversary of any Abney Chapel family member posted in our bulletin and on our website, please send info to: abneychapel.org@gmail.com.

Daily Devotional Volunteers Needed to prerecord monthly. We will provide the short devotional material. You just need to have a recording device and time to prerecord. Interested parties may contact any Elder or the Pastor

Women’s Ministry: Women’s Meet and Greet Breakfast. The Women’s Ministry Team will meet on the first Sunday of each month at 10:00 am. For more information, please contact the Ministry Team Leader, Christina Roey.

Needed: Interested persons to help out with children's ministry and the Adventurer Club. We are growing and in need of class instructors. Children's ministry works with programming for children 4 to 12 years old.

Virtual Youth Bible Study is held every Friday on Zoom. Please see Pastor Johnson for the log-in information. 

Adult Virtual Bible Study: Virtual Bible Studies are on both Friday Nights at 7:00 pm and Sabbath afternoons at 3:00 pm. All Studies only last one hour. Contact any Elder to sign up for lessons and get the zoom login information. The Lessons coincide with the Amazing Facts Bible Studies.

Children’s Ministry needs your monetary donations to continue
holding Children’s Church on 2nd and 4th Sabbaths and to provide children friendly activities. Please see Dr. Donna Edmund (910) 366-7705 or an usher for a tithe envelope.

Publicizing Your Department:  Once the Board has approved your event here are the steps to follow:

1. Email your events to Sis. Moseley for publication on our website: abneychapel.org@gmail.com.   

To have your announcement placed in the bulletin: abneychapel@gmail.com (Deadline Wednesdays a12 pm.)

2.Contact Elder Curtis Monroe for robocalls, announcements. 

3.Robocalls are scheduled for Thursdays.

4. The church Zoom line is available for your ministry meetings if needed. Text Curtis Monroe to set up meeting.



March 1 - Evangelism Rally (Dress Down Sabbath)

March 1 - 8 - SAC Adventure Show Your Colors

March 15 - 16 - Women’s Ministry Weekend

March 29 - Youth Sabbath

April 5 - Communion

April 5 - Fayetteville Health Fair at Abney Chapel


Join us for a virtual Bible Study on Wednesdays 1 pm, Fridays at 7 pm or Saturdays at 3pm. Meeting ID: 826 7023 9334 Passcode: lovegod

  • Please send announcements to abneychapel@gmail.com by each Wednesday at 12 pm.

  • If there is sickness or death in your family, or if you are in need of a family visit, please inform the Pastor or one of the Elders.

- Pastor Johnson - (256) 694-4313

- Elder Clark (910) 247-2270

- Elder Tillman 

- Elder Monroe (336) 213-5034

- Elder Ramos (910) 302-0877

- Elder Arrington (910) 489-0884

- Elder Davis (910) 987-7299

- Elder Vincent (336) 662-2059







Please use this form and submit to Pastor Johnson no later than the 3rd Sunday of each month. 





The following department heads and assistants will meet with the Pastor each month after church at the front of the sanctuary on the right side to review the life, health, and growth of the church as well as your respective departments.  

1st Sabbaths:

Church Ministry: Sis Janice Swoope

Elders: Elder Greg Arrington

Deacons: Elder Derwood Clark

Deaconess: Sis Caron Branch 

Hospitality Committee: Sis. Liz Williams

Education Department: Principal Ram

2nd Sabbaths:

Youth: Bro Curtis Monroe

Church Support: Pastor Raymond Johnson

Worship Ministry Council: Sis Francis Jackson

Relationship Ministry: Pastor Raymond Johnson




Bro Richard L. Hannon

Bro Oscar King

Sis Ruby McSwain

Sis Grace Autry 





1st Sunday - Finance Committee at 10:00 am

1st Sunday Bimonthly - Safety Committee, After Service

2nd Sunday - Women’s Ministry Breakfast at 11:00 am

2nd Saturday - Member’s Mart Give Away

2nd and 4th Saturday - Adventurers and Pathfinders 2:00 pm

2nd and 4th Saturday - Adventist Youth Ministry

2nd Tuesday - School Board at 6 pm (Hybrid)

2nd Tuesday of Each Month - School Board Meeting at 6:30 pm

3rd Sunday - Board Meeting -10:00 am *

4th Saturday - Children’s Church,

Elders and Deacons Meeting After Church


Wednesday - Virtual Prayer Meeting - 7:00 pm (Facebook & YouTube)


Sabbath School - 9:30 am - 10:45 am -

Corporate Worship 11:00 am -


*Board Meetings are open to Board Members only. If you are interested in attending a Board Meeting, please contact the Clerk or the Pastor to request attendance.

If you are interested in attending a Board Meeting, please contact the Pastor to request attendance.