>Home >Ministries >ADVENTURER Published: May 20, 2021      Updated: September 21, 2023






Mission Statement

The Abney Chapel Adventurers Club aims to equip and enrich our young children to learn to love Christ through his great gifts of nature, literacy, and outreach.

Adventurer Pledge

Because Jesus loves me, I will always do my best.

Adventurer Law

Jesus can help me to:

  • Be obedient

  • Be pure

  • Be true

  • Be kind

  • Be respectful

  • Be attentive

  • Be helpful

  • Be cheerful

  • Be thoughtful

  • Be reverent

Philosophy of the Adventurer Program

The Adventurer program was created to assist parents in their important responsibilities as a child’s primary teachers and evangelizers. The program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and to further the child’s development in spiritual, physical, mental, and social areas. Through the Adventurer Program, the church, home, and school can work together with the parent to develop a mature, happy child. The church’s greatest resource is our children; therefore, it is imperative that as a church we meet the challenge to provide a program for our children during their early, formative years. We want right habits, thoughts, motives, dispositions, and attitudes to be established. The Wise Man wrote, “Bring up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ”Prov. 22:6 (NIV). This is more than a cliché—it is a scientific formula.

North American Division Adventurer Ministries Mission Statement

The North American Division Adventurer program serves an intercultural community of children in grades 1-4 and their parents and caregivers through a holistic ministry. The purpose of the program is to support parents and care-givers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful love relationship with Jesus Christ. It offers instructional curriculum, family enrichment, supplementary resources, and volunteer training from within the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy.The Adventurer program should work to fulfil the gospel commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and depends on the support of a congregation strong in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit