Fiercely Faithful Vacation Bible School Registration
Monday June 19th through Friday June 23rd @ 5:30

Mission Statement
Abney Chapel Children's Ministry supports the spiritual development of all children 13 and under to draw them closer to Christ.
What We Believe!
Children are not just the church of tomorrow. They are the church of
today as well.
85% of people who come to Jesus do so before the age of 18.
The Bible doesn't tell children to become like adults to be saved. Rather it tells adults to become like children to be saved.
Time spent ministering to a child is never time wasted.
Children are the churches most valuable resource.
How you speak to children becomes their inner voice.
Little feet will one day make big footprints.
“Children are a gift from the Lord”. -Psalm 127:3
“It'ss easier to build strong children than to repair broken men”. -
Frederick Douglas
“A person is a person. No matter how small”. -Dr. Seuss
Our Goal for Every Child
1. Know God: We aim to teach children about God.
2. Love God: We aim to create experiences for children that facilitates their love for God.
3. Live for God: We aim to create life changing experiences for children that makes them surrender to live their life for God
The more we know him, the more we love him, the more we love him, the more we live for him.

Proposed Dates Children’s Church: 4th Sabbath